Congress Is Taking on Brain Injuries

Congress Is Taking on Brain InjuriesEvery year, millions of people sustain brain injuries. Whether from a fall at work or a rough tackle out on the field, everyone from children to the elderly face the risks of brain injury almost every day. The head is arguably the most important part of the body, as it contains the brain which is necessary to having a properly functioning bodily system. This is why any injury to the head should be taken seriously.

Even a mild hit to the head can cause injury to the brain, which can end up affecting the entire body possibly for the rest of the person’s life. Brain injuries are sometimes referred to as a “silent epidemic” because not much attention is brought to them in the public, but they affect so much of the population. We are at constant risk of brain injuries, and in response to this, certain members of Congress have formed a task force focused on spreading awareness and education of brain injuries.

What is the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force?

Because brain injuries are so common and affect so many people’s lives, Congressman Bill Pascrell founded the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force in 2001.  This task force, as defined by the group itself, “works to increase awareness of brain injury in the United States, supports research initiatives for rehabilitation and potential cures, and strives to address the effects such injuries have on families, children, education, and the workforce.”

There are currently around 80 members in the Task Force. The group hosts events and fairs intended to educate the public and the other members of government. This includes hosting Brain Injury Awareness Day in March which has in the past “hosted experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Administration for Community Living, and experts who research and work in the brain injury field every day.”

At the Brain Injury Awareness Fair, “organizations from all over the country that specialize in research, rehabilitation, and services for people with brain injury and their families display exhibits that help to educate Members of Congress and staff.” It is important that they are spreading this awareness and education to members of Congress so that measures or topics on brain injury can be included in bills and laws more and more, supporting researchers in their endeavors to discover more on brain injury, and assisting the greater public.

For instance, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 included measures which would help our military personnel and veterans. The measure “ensures blast exposure history will be recorded in medical records of servicemembers, requiring the enclosure of critical details including the date and duration of the incident.” This is an important initiative because it has been found that those with a history of blast exposure are more likely to experience an increased risk for long term conditions such as “depression, Alzheimer’s-like symptoms, seizures, and problems with social functioning.”

Because of the spread of awareness and the support for research, members of our military are being better taken care of. The Congressional Brain Injury Task Force is there to assist all of us to become a safer and longer-living society.

How common are brain injuries?

Ninety people every day die from car accidents. That may not be surprising as we are quite aware of the dangers and risks of driving. It’s not unusual that we pass the scene of a car accident on our way to work or home from school. It may surprise you, however, to know that in 2020, around 176 people died from brain injuries every day. That’s just shy of twice the amount of people who die in car accidents – car accidents which were likely to have caused brain injuries.

Brain injuries can happen to anyone, but there are certain groups that are more at risk than others. This includes:

  • Military members and veterans
  • Homeless people
  • Incarcerated people
  • Domestic abuse survivors
  • People who live in rural areas
  • People involved in contact sports
  • Elderly people

So when talking about brain injuries, we’re not talking about some rare injury for which only certain people are at risk. While some groups may be at higher risk, anyone can sustain a brain injury, whether it’s caused by a vehicle accident, a sporting event, or slipping on an icy sidewalk.

Why you need a Columbus, OH brain injury attorney

Brain injuries are nothing to ignore, and can change a person’s life forever. When your head is injured in a car accident with a distracted driver, or if you hit your head when you slip on the tile at the grocery store, these are instances in which you sustained your injury due to someone’s neglect. When this happens, you should seek the counsel of a brain injury lawyer. These attorneys know exactly how costly such an injury can be, both immediately and in the long term. Brain injuries often require surgeries and cognitive and emotional therapy, and may end up with the victim needing the use of mobility aids.

You deserve compensation for not only the financial cost of your injury, but the physical and emotional pain and suffering you must endure. Soroka & Associates, LLC is here to help you when you need it the most. To schedule a free consultation, call us or use our contact page. We proudly serve the people of Columbus, Ohio and the surrounding areas.