Understanding Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic Injuries in OhioAnytime you are injured because of another person’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for the losses associated with your injuries. For most folks, those are injuries like broken bones or soft-tissue damage – things that will heal fully with the right medical treatment and time.

But that’s not always the case. Some people, like the clients we work with, suffer life-altering trauma. Their injuries may never fully heal, no matter how much time they give them. They may never be able to walk or talk again, or hug their children again. These types of catastrophic injuries are a different breed altogether.

The impact of a catastrophic injury

A catastrophic injury typically means a sudden, permanent, and life-threatening injury. As a result, victims may lose certain functions, become disabled, or even develop severe disfigurement.

Most individuals who have catastrophic injuries spend the rest of their lives undergoing physically and mentally exhausting medical treatments, such as surgeries, physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, and more just to maintain some level of function or sense or “normal.” They may experience chronic pain and suffering and need ongoing medical assistance from caregivers and medical providers.

And these are just the physical impacts. The psychological and emotional impact of a catastrophic injury could be even more severe. Remember that for most victims, there is no such thing as a total recovery – and they know it. That takes a real toll on a person’s psyche. There have been countless studies and analyses of the links between physical injury and mental health, childhood injury and adult depression, adult trauma and resulting depression, mental health leading to a risk of injury, physical injury and PTSD  – the articles are too numerous to link here in full. So part of what makes catastrophic injuries so devastating is that everything about you, and about who you believed yourself to be, can be changed from the inside out, so to speak.

What are the different types of catastrophic injuries?

At Soroka & Associates, we represent folks who have sustained catastrophic injuries such as:

What types of accidents cause catastrophic injuries?

Catastrophic injuries can happen at any time or in any place to any person. However, individuals who suffer a catastrophic injury are usually involved in a very serious accident, such as a:

As you can see, there are many different causes for catastrophic injuries. However, you should keep in mind that these types of accidents typically occur because of someone else’s negligence, carelessness, or recklessness.

Treatment options for catastrophic injuries

Your doctor will assess your injuries and develop a proper medical plan tailored to you and your needs. Some of the most common treatment options that may be recommended for managing and living with your catastrophic injuries include:

  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation: Physical therapy and rehabilitation is usually the first type of treatment option that your doctor will recommend for your injuries. During your physical therapy and rehabilitation sessions, you will learn new exercises and techniques that will help you improve your muscle functions, mobility problems, and coordination. Physical therapy and rehabilitation can also help you relearn how to carry out your tasks, accomplish your daily duties, and develop new ways to enjoy the activities you once did before your accident.
  • Occupational therapy: Occupational therapists will teach you how to dress, bathe, cook, and care for yourself again. Occupational therapy will help you see that you can still accomplish your daily needs in different ways. This type of treatment is vital to the success and well-being of individuals who are healing from catastrophic injuries.
  • Surgeries: Almost all individuals who have catastrophic injuries will need surgery at some point in their lives. This may help them regain muscle functioning or repair some of the physical damage from the accident. Examples of surgeries that may help individuals with catastrophic injuries include implanting medical devices (like pacemakers or steel rods), skin grafts, removing blood clots, having an organ transplant, and more.
  • Medications: Doctors and physicians may prescribe medications to help individuals manage their pain, swelling, and infections. Almost every person who has a catastrophic injury must take medications to help them recover. Some people will take medication for a few short weeks or for the rest of their lives, depending on the severity of their injuries.
  • Psychological counseling: Because mental health and physical health are inextricably linked, catastrophic injury survivors should seek counseling. Group counseling can also help families learn to manage their new roles and care for their loved ones.

Living with a life-altering injury requires people to reconsider their expectations for the future. The one thing it shouldn’t require is for you to handle this burden on your own. When another person’s negligence turns your life upside down, you can seek compensation for your losses. This compensation is designed to make you whole by ensuring that you can continue to get the medical care you need, pay your bills, and protect your family.

This is where Soroka & Associates can help you. As experienced injury attorneys in Columbus, we have worked with folks who suffered brain trauma, spinal cord damage, and other devastating injuries. We know how to build a case to show a jury (or an insurance company) just how significantly your life has changed since your injury. We also know how to show that you should not bear the financial burdens of that injury because of someone else’s actions.

If you or a family member suffered a catastrophic injury caused by another person’s careless or reckless behavior, please get in touch with a Columbus personal injury attorney from Soroka & Associates at your earliest convenience. With our experience and training, we know what it takes to obtain maximum compensation for our clients going through these types of situations. Contact us or call our offices to schedule your free consultation and learn about your legal options today.