What Is a Rollover Accident?

What Is a Rollover Accident?While you personally may have never been involved in a rollover accident, there is a good chance that you have seen one before. This type of car accident is when a vehicle is turned over onto its side or top. When a rollover accident occurs, it is very common for individuals in the vehicle to become stuck and need professional help from emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and law enforcement officers to successfully pry them out of the vehicle.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, rollover accidents are one of the deadliest types of accidents that occur on highways, interstates, and local roadways across the United States. In fact, these types of accidents account for about one-third of all highway fatalities.

Rollover accidents are one of the most frightening, traumatic, and devastating accidents that a person can experience. This type of accident will not only weaken your driving confidence, but it can also cause you to experience permanent, life-altering injuries for several years to come.

Are certain vehicles more likely to roll over than others?

Unfortunately, it is possible for any type of vehicle to roll or flip over during an accident or collision. However, big rigs, SUVs, and pickup trucks are more likely to roll over during a high-speed accident than any other type of vehicle. The main reason for this is because of the way they are constructed and designed. SUVs,18-wheelers, and pickup trucks all have a higher center of gravity, which means they’re more likely to tip when going around curves, being buffeted by high winds, or in the event of a collision. (Big rigs can also tip if their loads shift within the trailers.)

Modern vehicles are, of course, equipped with stability systems to reduce this risk, but they cannot eliminate it entirely. This may be because every year, vehicles – especially pickups and SUVs – get larger and heavier.

The reasons for rollover accidents

While some rollover accidents may happen with no warning, there are usually reasons why your rollover accident occurred. Here are a few of the most common reasons for these types of accidents:

  • Driver error, such as overcorrecting when losing control of a vehicle
  • Driver negligence, including:
    • Speeding
    • Careless or reckless driving
    • Distracted driving
    • Intoxicated driving
    • Tired or drowsy driving
    • Aggressive driving or road rage
  • Driver inexperience
  • Road design and defects
  • Defective vehicle parts
  • Highway or road conditions
  • Inclement weather
  • Brake system problems
  • Tire issues
  • Suspension issues

Types of injuries that result from rollover accidents

When rollover accidents occur, the results are often tragic and devastating. If a person is lucky enough to survive this type of accident, they will likely suffer catastrophic injuries, which may lead to lifelong disfigurement and disabilities. The following are some of the most common injuries that result from rollover accidents:

Who can be held liable for a Columbus rollover accident?

After you have been involved in a rollover accident, it is crucial that you hire a Columbus rollover accident attorney from Soroka & Associates to assist you. One of the first things our attorneys will help you with is determining liability for your rollover accident. This is a very important step that you must take in order to successfully file a claim. We will investigate and look into multiple parties, such as:

  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Another driver
  • Tire manufacturer
  • An auto repair shop
  • The government or government agencies responsible for roads

How can a Columbus rollover accident lawyer help with my case?

Individuals who suffer injuries from rollover accidents often find themselves in the hospital, undergoing surgeries, missing work, collecting medical bills, and more. When this happens, they may start to panic, wondering what they can do to get their life back on track while also recovering from their injuries. The good news is that an auto accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you need and deserve for your losses.

At Soroka & Associates, we have the experience, skills, and knowledge to help you navigate the legal process as well as fight for your right to a fair amount of money to cover your medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, lost wages, and more.

We are experienced trial attorneys. We know how to present a case before a jury, how to help that jury understand the true depth of your losses, and how to prove that another party is liable for those losses. Because of this, insurance companies may be more willing to negotiate in good faith; this give you options and choices if you’re unsure whether a trial is the right path for you. But rest assured – whether we present your case to a jury or negotiate for a settlement, we advocate for your best interests at evert step.

Six tips to prevent rollover accidents

Rollover accidents usually catch people by surprise. It is extremely difficult to fully prepare for these types of accidents. However, there are six important tips you can remember to help prevent rollover accidents and injuries, which include:

  1. Routinely inspect your vehicle, parts, and tires. Make sure your vehicle is also professionally checked each year by a professional mechanic and passes its yearly inspection.
  2. Always wear your seatbelt when the vehicle is in motion.
  3. Rotate your tires and replace them often.
  4. If you drive a pickup truck, SUV, or jeep, never overload your vehicle. This means that you should not put too many items in the back of your pickup truck or on top of your SUV or jeep.
  5. Always follow the posted speed limits.
  6. Watch and slow down for turns, bumps, and curves in the roads.

Soroka & Associates is here to assist clients who have suffered injuries from a rollover accident. Our Columbus rollover accident lawyers know how terrifying, painful, and emotionally exhausting these types of accidents can be, which is why we will take matters into our own hands while you focus on your recovery. All you have to do is call our office or submit our contact form to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today.